Sunday, July 26, 2009

Personalized Gift Weekly Returns!

We are back.... Summer is over & we need to give you your weekly dose of personalized gifts. Tell your friends & they might win a gift. Just tell your friend to sign up for our blog. The names of our new subscribers will be put into a bowl & picked for a gift. We appreciate your participation & theirs.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Spring is full of "firsts" for everyone !

Your child, grandchild, neice or nephew, neighbor, etc. may be celebrating their "First Easter" or "First Passover".

Help them commemmorate that special spring holiday first with these adorable bibs. We can personalize them by putting their FIRST NAME in place of MY. Visit online today at: or (if you live in Cleveland, Ohio) Drop into:

Initially You Too-personalized presents plus

3439 West Brainard Road

(Look for the white picket fence!)

Beachwood, Ohio


Enjoy Spring!

Sharon Blumenthal

"The Present Pro"

Friday, January 9, 2009

Take Out Menu Box "takes" you to the top of the gift givers...

Personalized "Black & White Dot" Mini Take Out Menu Box

Your best friends just moved into a new home. What should you get them? You want to be creative & "cost conscious"... We have a great suggestion.

Start collecting copies of local restaurant take-out menus. Add a coupon or gift card to their favorite restaurant & you have a perfect present!

We handpaint your recipient's name on our personalized "Black & White Dot" style Mini Take out Menu Box to match the lettering style used. This useful gift allows you to store all of your "To-Go" Menus in one handy box. This narrow(12"x6"x3") wooden box will hold plenty of menus (& coupons too). It makes a thoughtful & great gift for a new home, special occasion or thank you for your hospitality!


or our store:Initially You Too - personalized presents plus in Beachwood, Ohio for lots more .....

Sharon Blumenthal

"The Present Pro"